Harry Potter London Trip

On Wednesday 16th and 17th November, forty children from UKS2 travelled to London on an amazing two day trip.

They explored the historic Tower of London where they met Beefeaters, Yeo Men and the Ravens. They ventured into the Bloody Tower and were fascinated by the instruments of torture that were used and marvelled at the Crown Jewels in the Jewel House.

After a hearty meal at the Hard Rock Cafe we watched the award-winning musical, The Lion King at The Lyceum Theatre. The children were mesmerised by the sets, the costumes and by the singing and dancing. It really was a memorable evening.

The following day we spent the day at Warner Bros. The Making of Harry Potter Studios. What an incredible day! The children were in awe at all the costumes and make-up. Loved visiting the all the different sets from Dumbledore’s office to Professor Snape’s potion class. We entered the Forbidden Forest with its giant spiders (sons and daughters of Aragon), pulled up mandrakes and even had the chance to ride a broomstick!

Take a look at some of the photos – more will be added!

Tony Peek Event

Today, poet Tony Peek visited school. He made children laugh with his poetry and helped them write their own. Children in Years 2 and 4 loved it!

Families were invited to attend a session after school where Tony took requests from the children, performing their favourite ones. Afterwards they had a go at writing a poem.

Aisling Fowler Event

Friday 7th October

Set in a prehistoric world of monsters, Twelve is a huntling who embarks on a quest with her dog to rescue a little girl, Seven from the creatures and to protect the seven clans.

Aisling will be virtually visiting some children in KS2 on Friday 7th October. She will be talking about her debut novel Fireborn: Twelve and the Frozen Forest, being a writer and will answer questions that the children may have.

Tony Peek Visit

As part of our National Poetry Day celebrations, poet Tony Peek will be visiting school and children in years 2 and 4 will have the opportunity to create their own poems in workshops led by Tony.

A Family Poetry Session will take place in the library from 3pm where families can enjoy reading and writing poems.

Books will be on sale at the end of school and at the family session priced at £5 each or two for £8.

For more information visit Tony’s website:


National Poetry Day – 6th October

This year’s theme is ‘The Environment’

Daisy Chains by Daniel Wade

They never took
long to make,
nor did they lack
that tender sloppiness
which made the petals
melt pink in the palms,
like juiced hearts.
These were when
we ran our
fingers through the
wilting stems; supposed
they were her hair
or her hands.
These were when
we laboured those
shy hours away
in a shivering line
of blushes, making
a short-lived toy
of short-lived love.

Why not celebrate National Poetry Day by writing your own poem?