Harry Potter Book Night

On Wednesday 54 children from Years 5 and 6 spent the evening at ‘Hogwarts’. Upon arrival the sorting hat decided which house they would each be in. Then each house led by a Professor visited a carousel of activities; they held owls, read extracts from Harry Potter books, searched for clues to complete the Maraurder’s Map Scavenger Hunt, visited Honeydukes, had their faces painted and even created potions!

House points were awarded and at the end of the evening once assembled back in the Great Hall the winning House was named…….


Thank you to all the children for attending this event and a special big thank you to all the staff that helped.






Harry Potter Book Night

On Thursday 2nd February 53 children from years 4, 5 and 6 attend a Harry Potter Book Night held at school. Upon arrival the children were welcomed to ‘Hogwarts’ by the Professors before taking part in the sorting hat ceremony.

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Once in their houses the children took part in a Quidditch match, wand making, books, wizard chess and even had the opportunity to hold owls.

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After each activity the Houses were awarded House Points which the House Captains recorded and added up at the end of the evening. The evening ended with the House Cup being presented to the house with the most points.

….and the winning House is………Gryffindor!

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Harry Potter Book Night

HP-NightOn Thursday 11th February 42 children from years 4, 5 and 6 were invited to attend a very special evening at school.  The children returned to school at 6pm dressed in their party clothes and walked up the lantern lit path to the main entrance.

Upon arrival at Hogwarts (the school hall) the sorting hat allocated a house to each for the evening.

The children earned house points by completing activities which included learning some ballroom dancing!

A big thank you to all of the staff that helped out at the event.

Take a look at some of the photos below (more photos are in the library).


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HP book night (93) (1600x994)

HP book night (6) (1600x1135) HP book night (35) (1600x1064)  HP book night (73) (1600x1026)


Harry Potter Book Night

DSCN0770The first ever Harry Potter took place this evening at school.

Forty students arrived at school at 5.45pm to be greeted with a lantern lit path leading up to school and Professor McGonagall (Miss Whiteley) and Harry Potter (Mrs Scofield) waiting at the entrance.

The Hogwarts students were taken to the great hall, met by the other professors and then took part in the sorting hat ceremony before taking part in different activities including meeting 5 very special visitors.

DSCN0801Everyone had a great time and we look forward to organising another Harry Potter book night next year.

A big thank you to everyone involved in organising and helping at the event.