National Poetry Day – 5th October

We will be celebrating National Poetry Day on Thursday 5th October.

Poems will be shared all through the week during library sessions along with a Poetry Trail for KS2 children. Classes will be learning a poem to recite per key stage in the following week’s assembly.

There is also a poetry competition: Write a poem linked to the theme ‘Refuge’ or ‘A Safe Place’. Winners will receive a book voucher. Poems should be written on the competition entry form and submitted to Miss Whiteley by the closing date of Friday 20th October.

Voting Time

The club were really excited this week – it was voting time!

Armed with their voting slips the children choose different areas of the library and then handed their completed slips into Miss Whiteley.

The votes were counted and the winner was…..

Loki: The Bad God’s Guide to being Good by Louie Stowell

The club then talked about why they had chosen the book that they had voted for.


This afternoon the group discussed the last shortlisted book that they had been reading over the holiday; Loki: a Bad Guide to Being Good

Their thoughts? Most of them loved it!

More Loki related activities today, completing their own ‘Gods’ and story starters, book covers and reviewed the book.

We are now nearing the end of the awards and voting for our favourite book will be taking place next week (14th September) – I wonder who will be the favourite?

Welcome Back!

Weekly Class Library sessions begin again next week.

If you have a school library book at home that you forgot to return before the summer holidays please bring it into school and hand to Miss Whiteley.

There is lots going on the this term:

Author Visits

  • Thursday 26th October (Y2) – Jenny Hunt
  • Tuesday 21st November (LKS2) – Andy Seed
  • Thursday 30th November (Year 6) – Emma Carroll

Look out for more information about these author events by visiting the blog, newsletter and parentmail.

The Awards continue with the group meeting after school on Thursdays. We will be voting for our favourite shortlisted book on Thursday 14th September. Then, on 26th October there will be an awards ceremony held at Eland Road where the winning book will be announced!