Harry Potter London Trip

harrypotter.jpgOn Wednesday and Thursday forty children travelled to London by coach with Mrs Stott, Mrs Johnston, Mr Spink, Miss Wright and Miss Whiteley.

The group spent two days exploring Ripley’s Believe it or Not!, watching the musical Matilda and visiting The Making of Harry Potter at the Warner Bros. Studios.

An amazing time was had by all including the teachers!

Check out the photos on the Library blog and also on the school website.







Harry Potter London Trip

Only two more weeks to go!

If you are going on this trip please make sure that you let Miss Whiteley know of any changes to contact or medical information if you did not attend the Matilda film night.

Also you should have all received a kit list if you have not (or have lost it) please collect a new one from Miss Whiteley.

Exciting times!


Chris Mould – Visit 2

This afternoon local author and illustrator, Chris Mould visited school. Children in KS2 were treated to Chris’ stories and drawings and Chris also talked about his new book (the first in a series) called Pocket Pirates.

If you didn’t bring any money with you and you wished that you had it is not too late!

See Miss Whiteley by Wednesday 14th October to buy a copy of Pocket Pirates – £4.50 cheque (payable to Orinoco Books) or exact money please.






Chris Mould – visit 1


This morning fourteen children from across KS2 travelled to Leeds Civic Hall to attend a special session organised by the Leeds School Library Service. The children spent an enjoyable morning in the company of local author and illustrator, Chris Mould. Chris was hugely entertaining and talked about being both an author and an illustrator and also about his latest book Pocket Pirates. He even did some drawing too.

Pocket Pirates imageChris will also be visiting school on this Thursday (8th Oct) so if you might like to take a look at his website and also hatchette books website, click on the links below:



Chris’ new book Pocket Pirates will be on sale on Thursday at school priced at £4.50 each. Bring money in a named envelope on the day.

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Ilkley Literature Festival Trip

Ilkley LitOn Monday 12th October Year 6 will be visiting the Ilkley Literature Festival. In the morning they will have a go at completing the Festival’s book trail and in the afternoon attend a special session Steve Colewith well known author, Steve Cole.

Steve will be talking about writing and there will be an opportunity for children to buy books at the end of session and get them signed.

Letters going out tomorrow with more information and a book price list.

You might like to visit http://www.stevecolebooks.co.uk to find out more about Steve and his books and also http://www.ilkleyliteraturefestival.org.uk/  for more information about the festival.

Chris Mould twice in week!

On Monday 5th October a group of children will be attending a special session with local author and illustrator, Chris Mould. Then on Thursday 8th October Chris will be visiting the whole of KS2 at school!

Chris has written and illustrated lots of books including two popular series’ Something Wickedly Weird and Pip and the Lost Children.

At both sessions Chris will be talking about writing, drawing, his books especially his new book Pocket Pirates which is about some very small pirates (pocket sized in fact) that live in a junk shop. He might also even do some drawing!

If you are in Year 3 – 6 look out for a letter in your book bag about the event.

Copies of Pocket Pirates will be on sale at £4.50.


Author Cathy Cassidy to visit GSAL


As part of this year’s Ilkley Literature Festival well known and loved author, Cathy Cassidy will be visiting Leeds Grammar School on Friday 2nd October and we are lucky enough to be able to take ten children along to meet her.

Miss Whiteley will be inviting five year 5’s and  five year 6’s to accompany her to the event. Letters will be sent home together with a price list if anyone wishes to buy a book (although Cathy has said she will happily sign any books already owned).

All in all it should be a wonderful afternoon!