Leeds Book Awards 2023

So excited!

after several of not running due to COVID the Leeds Book Awards are back!

The Awards have been re-launched and now include more age categories from EYFS to KS4.

They will run from June until September with the Awards Ceremony taking place in October and will also incorporate the Summer Reading Challenge.

There will be three Primary School categories (we will be running clubs in each category), EYFS, KS1, LKS2 and UKS2.

The Shortlisted books will be announced on 18th May.

For more information about the Awards visit: www.leedsforlearning.co.uk/30997

World Book Day

Wow! What a fantastic day, walking around school it was just like being in Narnia! So many fantastic costumes from the Snow Witch, to Alsan, to woodland animals to Mr Tumnus, to wardrobes, to soldiers, to Father Christmas, to Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy! 

There were many Narnia themed activities on offer and books and reading celebrated throughout school with stories, quizzes and author events online. 

World Book Day – Only a few days to go!

On Thursday (2nd March) we will be celebrating World Book Day.

Hopefully costumes have been sorted but if not, take a look at some previous blog posts for The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe (Narnia) costume ideas.

The best thing about World Book Day is that we are celebrating books so please don’t worry if you don’t have a costume just come to school (in your school uniform) and enjoy the day as there are lots of activities planned for everyone to enjoy.

Book Vouchers: WBD vouchers will be handed out on Thursday. These can be swapped in participating retailers for WBD books alternatively can be used to deduct £1 off the retail price of a non-World Book Day book.

Vouchers can be redeemed at: Waterstones, WHSmith, The Little Bookshop, Chapel Allerton, Sainsburys, ASDA, Tesco, Morrisons etc.

There are lots of books to choose from:

Which one will you choose?

For more information about the books and which retailers are participating please visit:


Dance Workshops – Friday 24th Feb

Today seven classes as a reward for the highest attendance in their year groups were invited to attend a ‘Bringing Books to Life’ Dance Workshops led by West End in Schools.

The stories that were used for inspiration were:


The children had a fantastic time, learning some dance moves, creating their own freeze frames and being ‘wild things’.

Croquet Time (Alice in Wonderland)
Looking out for the Enormous Crocodile
Snap, Snap!

More photos to follow…

More The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Costume Ideas

Looking for more costume ideas?

Mr Tumnus

Own a scarf? Then you could be Mr Tumnus. Add a scarf with a light colour t-shirt or jumper and team with a pair of brown, tan or stone coloured trousers. 

For the final touches if you have an egg box and either a hairband or strip of card (cereal box card works well) + some hair slides if using card. Simply cut out two raised pieces of the egg box and sellotape to the hairband or card and you have a perfect set of Mr Tumnus horns.

Optional extra an umbrella or brown paper wrapped parcels.



The White Witch

The baddie in Narnia. 

For your costume you could wear a white or pale blue or light coloured dress/
white or pale blue skirt and top.

If you have a tiara you could wear that but if not a crown could be made out of a cereal box (cut into icy spikes) and a hairband.

Bringing Books to Life

On Friday 24th February as part of our World Book Day celebrations children from 7 classes spanning from Reception to Year 6 will be participating in dance workshops led by West End Schools and ‘bringing books to life’.

The classes were chosen as a reward in recognition to the best attendance in each of their year groups.

Each session will approximately 35 minutes with Reception using the book ‘Where the Wild Things Are’, KS1; ‘The Enormous Crocodile’ and KS2; ‘Alice Adventures in Wonderland’ as their sources for inspiration for their dances.

The children are very excited and cannot wait to take part.

The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Costume Ideas

Stuck for ideas or need a bit of help with how to create your costume….

How about dressing up as one of the children: Peter, Susan, Edmund or Lucy?

The children

The boys wore trousers and a shirt (a polo shirt would be fine) and a jumper whilst the girls dresses or skirts and cardigans or jumpers.

If you don’t fancy dressing up as one of the children how about an animal? Narnia is full of animals from a Unicorn to foxes or even why not dress up as Aslan?


You don’t necessarily have to have a lion’s costume for this one – great if you do but you could wear a yellow/orange t-shirt and make a mask.

If you fancy being a Unicorn for the day how about this for a costume idea?

The Unicorn

What to Wear: Two either go white, eg. white leggings and a white t-shirt/hoodie or go for a brightly coloured rainbow one with bright leggings or trousers even a tutu matched with a bright coloured top or hoodie.

You will also need to make a unicorn horn.

You will a hairband, card (cereal box card is perfect) to make the ears. For the unicorn’s horn some felt which you need to just roll and glue or sellotape and then some decorations.

If you want to make a mane and tail you could use long pieces of brightly coloured wool tied at one end.

World Book Day

We will soon be counting down to World Book Day as it’s not long now on 2nd March.

The theme this year is The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe by C S Lewis which links to our library. Most of you will know a little about the story and about Narnia even if you have not yet read the book itself as last year on your first visits to the new library you had extracts from the story read to you before climbing through the wardrobe. Some of you (some children) will be too young and are yet to discover this story or may have forgotten why it is that you climb in through the wardrobe every week to arrive in the library.

For those that are not familiar with the story it begins with four children playing hide and seek. One of the children decides to hide in an old wardrobe but unbeknown to her that the wardrobe hid a secret – the entrance into the magical land of Narnia.

Over the coming weeks keep visiting the blog as costume ideas will be added just in case you are short of ideas.

There are many characters to choose from such as one of the children: Peter, Susan, Edmund, Lucy or perhaps Mr Tumnus, the White Witch, a woodland animal or even Aslan.

We will also be talking about it during our weekly library sessions.

World Book Day

As part of the celebrations on Thursday 2nd March, every child will receive a WBD £1 voucher. This means that your child will be able to swap this voucher for a WBD book in a participating retailer (in the past most supermarkets, Waterstones, WH Smith and The Little Book Shop).

The voucher will be valid until 26th March.

These are the books that your child can swap their voucher for:

World Book Day

We will be celebrating books and reading on Thursday 2nd March.

This year the theme is to linked to our library: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe by CS Lewis.

Children will be invited to dress up as a character from the book or anything associated with Narnia.

Over the coming weeks visit the library blog for more information about WBD, the £1 books and for costume ideas.