Author Event



This morning Year 5 visited Moor Allerton Library to attend a special session with author Sarah Lean.

Sarah talked about being a writer and her latest book Harry and Hope, a story about a girl and a donkey.

DSCN1005Kylah and Daniel were selected (along with another pupil from a different school) to take part in a dramatisation of section of the book.

Afterwards the children had the opportunity to ask Sarah questions, purchase books and even to meet a real donkey!


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Author Event

Harry & HopeNext Wednesday (25th March) Year 5 will be visiting Moor Allerton Library to meet author Sarah Lean. Sarah will be talking about being a writer and about her new book Harry and Hope, a story about a girl and a donkey. Following a Q & A session there will be the opportunity to meet a real donkey!

At the end of the event there will be a book selling and signing session. Letters have been sent home together with a price list. All books are priced at £6.30 each.

Visit Sarah’s website for more information, please click on link below:



World Book Day

WBD2015_yellow_rightupToday is World Book Day and School has been celebrating all things bookish.

Classes throughout school have been sharing folk tales from around the world and talking about their favourite books.

This morning both Year 1 classes visited Moor Allerton Library and ‘wowed’ the librarians with their knowledge about fiction and non-fiction books. In the afternoon 30 children from KS2 visited the library and took part in fun activities and choose a book each to borrow.






This evening the celebrations will continue with Year 2 children coming back to school in their pyjamas for various activities and bedtime stories.

Watch this space for more photos from the night.


World Book Day is almost here!


It is not long now until World Book Day!

The countdown has begun…

This year’s celebrations includes, classes sharing folk stories from around the world, guessing one another’s favourite books with the aid of a prop as a clue. Also both Year 1 classes and 30 children from KS2 will be visiting Moor Allerton Library and not forgetting of course every child receiving a world book day voucher. Which book will you choose?








Harry Potter Book Night

DSCN0770The first ever Harry Potter took place this evening at school.

Forty students arrived at school at 5.45pm to be greeted with a lantern lit path leading up to school and Professor McGonagall (Miss Whiteley) and Harry Potter (Mrs Scofield) waiting at the entrance.

The Hogwarts students were taken to the great hall, met by the other professors and then took part in the sorting hat ceremony before taking part in different activities including meeting 5 very special visitors.

DSCN0801Everyone had a great time and we look forward to organising another Harry Potter book night next year.

A big thank you to everyone involved in organising and helping at the event.


Lynne Chapman – a success!

DSCN0720Today author and illustrator, Lynne Chapman braved the snow and visited KS1.

Lynne spent the morning with year 2 and then the afternoon with year 1. She told stories, sang songs accompanied by her maracas, ran a drawing workshop and did a little drawing herself.

Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the DSCN0729day which ended with book selling and signing.

If you forgot you forgot you your money today or have decided that you would like a book, it is not too late. There are still a few copies of Bears on the Stairs (£5.40), Jungle Grumble (£6.30) and one copy of Last Ark (£7.20). I will have these books until the beginning of next week. If you would like to buy one please see Miss Whiteley.



Lynne Chapman visits Tomorrow!

Lynne chapmanAuthor and Illustrator, Lynne Chapman will be visiting KS1 tomorrow.

Over the past couple of weeks Miss Whiteley has been reading stories either written or illustrated by Lynne during library sessions.

There has been a great interest already in Lynne’s visit and many children have already pre-ordered books ready to be signed by Lynne tomorrow.

It is not too late, if your child would like to buy a book please bring money (correct amount if possible) or a cheque made payable to Orinoco Books in a named envelope tomorrow.